Here we see what 128' of installed drainage galleries look like before back-filling, which will happen next week if the town's engineer can get out here early in the week to inspect (he's on vacation now). Surveyor will be out tomorrow to locate the galleries, both in 2D and in elevation, for the eventual as-built survey.
Photos 2 and 3 show a change of plans: the galleries in the southeast corner (72') and along the north border along the street (72') were also installed today.
The 232' linear feet of galleries provide 1,490 cubic feet of storage volume, enough to accommodate the first 1" of rain landing on the 12,442 sq ft of impervious development (house, patios, pool, retaining walls, and utility pads for A/C units, pool equipment, and electric generator) PLUS the additional stormwater runoff produced in a 25-year storm event.